The amount of the attorney's fee is determined either by the law (RVG ) or from a payment arrangement. Payment arrangements are always possible instead of the settlement of legal fees. However, the
provisions of §§ 49b BRAO and 3a ff. RVG has to to observed. In court proceedings, the legal fees can not be undercut by agreements. An agreement of higher fees than the statutory compensation is
admissable at any time .
The Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz initially consists of the legal text and in addition to the Schedule of Fees . The legal text contains the general toll- law , the compensation list the
individual charges facts. In civil, administrative and social law, the fees calculated according to the value of dispute. Through this system, an expense-not-related compensation , the so-called
cross-subsidization is ensured. Mandates of high value of dispute compensates the high relative work content of mandates with with a low value of dispute. More information can be found on the
homepage of the Federal Bar Association.